MONDAY 19 February 2024
The City of Cape Town's Water and Sanitation Directorate head, Dr Zahid Badroodien,
has confirmed that the stench of sewage blanketing the city and its surrounds today emanates from a massive Brazilian livestock carrier which docked overnight in
Table Bay Harbour.
Compassion in World Farming (SA) is trying to ascertain the number of cattle on board. We understand the cattle are headed for slaughter in the Middle East.
The Right of the Child not to be exposed to violence inflicted on an animal should urgently be extended to overall human rights.

The suffering of the cattle is a violation of everyone’s right to expect the humane treatment of animals.
The number of callers into radio stations protesting the stench and the cruelty, is testament to this.

The cloud that hangs over the City of Cape Town today is different from the one of the last two days. It is far worse.
It is the cloud of palpable shame of what the human race is capable of in its treatment of animals, and the inability of any of us to stop it. Cultural norms cannot be used as an excuse.
This office, together with Compassion in World Farming HQ are liaising at an international level to bring a stop, finally, to our savage and unconscionable treatment of fellow beings.

Unheard of... cattle pant like dogs in the searing heat of the ship's hold.

Sea-sick South African cattle, en-route to Mauritius, awash in seawater and their own excrement.
22 FEBRUARY 2024
South Africa’s top veterinarian declines to take a stand on long-distance transport to slaughter
As 19 000 cattle from Brazil continue on their voyage on the high seas to slaughter in the Middle East, South Africa’s chief veterinarian has declined to take a stand for or against long-distance transport to slaughter.
Yesterday afternoon Cape Talk Radio host John Maytham arranged to interview Dr Mphane Molefe, Director for Veterinary Public Health with the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
Maytham said he wanted to know what the South African government’s official position was in the wake of the departure from Cape Town docks of the Al Kuwait.
He asked: “Are you comfortable with live export or would you like to see it brought to an end?”
Molefe replied it was not for him to decide which was preferable – the export of refrigerated meat or live animals.
“It is outside my scope of action. But whatever option is taken, animal welfare must be complied with.”
Maytham: “I would imagine that the Directorate of Veterinary Public Health should have a view?”
Molefe: “There are pros and cons for both. The Animals Protection Act has to be complied with whichever way. If there are short comings in regard to the APA, that’s where we come in.”
Maytham: “All reports suggest that what is happening, and the conditions in which the animals are being transported and what happens to them is unconscionable?”
Molefe: “In every operation there are challenges. You can consider a live shipment as a mobile feedlot.” Dr Molefe said an independent animal welfare monitor was on board the vessels which leave East London carrying South African animals to slaughter. “This is a measure we have put in place. I cannot speak for the animals from Brazil,” he said.

by Louise van der Merwe