Children in Mauritius witness the grotesque killing of a shackled South African bull while another awaits his turn

South African cattle on ship to Mauritius and trucked out of Port Louis…

to their final destination
Photographs reveal that South Africa’s trade in live animals to slaughter in foreign countries reflects a flagrant disregard for the United Nations’ Right of the Child to be protected from violence inflicted on animals.
Other countries are already aligning with GC26. For example:
May 2024:
Spain scraps its annual 30 000 euro government bull-fighting award in compliance with a new understanding of animal welfare.
May 2024:
Italy approves a law against the exposure of minors to violence against animals and makes this offence part of ‘serious forms of prejudice’ in its Anti-bullying legislation.

14th June 2024
International Ban Live Exports Day
On this day, let us remember that the exportation of live animals to slaughter in foreign countries is driven to a great extent by the demand for religious slaughter.
Animal Voice calls on Governments to follow the Australian example whereby the export of live animals to slaughter will be phased out over four years and replaced by the shipment of chilled or frozen meat, which is slaughtered in the home country in accordance with religious practices. One of the most egregious examples of humankind’s excess in its imposition of needless suffering on animals took place in April 2024 when the Bahijah live-stock carrier shipped 16 000 cattle and sheep on a journey to slaughter from Australia to Israel. The distance travelled from departure to arrival was more than the mileage of the circumference of the Earth at the equator.
Malcolm Plant, founder of the World Link Coalition of which
The Humane Education Trust is a member, has noted:
“The Ultimate Paradox! The scientific reality is that religious traditions and practices in the name of a God of Love can destroy empathy, compassion and kindness which are the essential component parts of Love.”

The mighty power which has been given with GC26 is ours to use... or ignore !
'Tomorrow' depends on that choice !
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